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There are only 500 tickets available for the polo game on July 22. And prices start at $214.33 (surely a sign they started with Euros, or pounds, Argentine pesos?). But for that your get VIP seating (clods of earth flying, sunstroke optional), an open bar, hors d’oeuvres from Food by Elegant Affairs and a chance to argue whether a polo match should be four chukkers or six chukkers.

The game — there is another a week later — is at 900 Lumber Lane in Bridgehampton. Last year some women confused the dress code with Ascot or the Kentucky Derby. Be smart. If you are going to wear a hat, make it a practical one, not a fascinator. The July sun in the Hamptons, even between 4pm and 7pm, a time of day intended to be kind to horses, can be scorching.

Parking is available, but the sponsors urge you to Uber. (Especially after that open bar.) Good news: they take PayPal.

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