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On Monday, May 29, 2023, most stores on Main Street in East Hampton will be closed for Memorial Day, at least in the morning. The Memorial Day observance begins at 9am with a flyover on main beach. Hosted by the VFW and the American Legion, the parade starts on Main Street at 10am and ends with a ceremony on the Village Green at 11am.

Since this is East Hampton’s 375th anniversary, being founded in 1648, there will be a number of picnics, parties, lectures, observances and events during the summer, culminating in the 375th anniversary parade on September 23. Saint Augustine, Florida, can boast that it is 457 years old, but it was founded by a different empire.

For that matter, the Pueblo Native Americans colonized much of the Southwestern United States in the 1300s.

Still, East Hampton, NY, can claim a long and distinguished history. And it will be on show on Monday.. People of East Hampton take Memorial Day seriously.

Come out and enjoy the parade. Or at least don’t be alarmed if there are low-flying airplanes on the beach, or the sound of rifle shots at 11am on the green.

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