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Join Joyce Shulman and Eric Cohen as they host a community walk led by Shawn Dromgoole, creator of the movement and the not-for-profit called We Walk with Shawn.

Shawn’s mission and movement arose out of his experience as a young Black man afraid to walk the streets of his gentrified Nashville community following the murder of Trayvon Martin, Ahmaud Arbery and so many others. His post on social media led to nearly a hundred neighbors showing up to walk with him. Next up was a raft of national media coverage everywhere from People to CNN and the Washington Post and, more recently, on Rachel Ray and elsewhere.

The walks continued and as a result, Shawn became convinced that one of the most powerful ways to connect people and build community is for neighbors to walk together. He calls it “the walk sound” — what he describes as “the chatter I hear behind me when we are walking. That’s the sound of new relationships growing and communities being built.”

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