It’s Bravo-Time in Southampton With Jill Zarin July 29

Jill Zarin’s Luxury Lunch is coming Saturday, July 29, to benefit the Bobby Zarin Memorial Fund. Invitees are what New

2023-07-26T12:46:24-04:00July 25th, 2023|East Hampton, Events, Kat’s Eye|Comments Off on It’s Bravo-Time in Southampton With Jill Zarin July 29

Longhouse Reserve’s Gala Was Showered with Fairy Dust

By Katlean de Monchy -- LongHouse Reserve and its director Carrie Rebora Barratt hosted a riveting  Midsummer Benefit on the

2023-07-26T12:42:21-04:00July 24th, 2023|East Hampton, Events, Kat’s Eye|Comments Off on Longhouse Reserve’s Gala Was Showered with Fairy Dust

The Parrish Celebrates 125 Years — with a FRIDAY NIGHT DANCE

The concept seemed to be "Let the kids have their fun." Kids meaning anyone under 40, maybe 50. The grown-ups

2023-07-19T18:41:21-04:00July 19th, 2023|East Hampton, Events, Kat’s Eye|Comments Off on The Parrish Celebrates 125 Years — with a FRIDAY NIGHT DANCE

Goop + Gucci in Amagansett with the Kids: Apple and Moses Martin

Saturday night, July 15, at Gwyneth Paltrow's place in Amagansett, there was a sit-down dinner for friends, some estimate more

2023-07-23T14:00:26-04:00July 17th, 2023|East Hampton, Events, Kat’s Eye|Comments Off on Goop + Gucci in Amagansett with the Kids: Apple and Moses Martin
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