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Did you go last year? Then you will want to go this year, right? It’s the annual summer fundraising event for the Edie Windsor Health Care Center, offering LGBTQ+ care at Stony Brook Medicine. If you don’t know who the heroic Edie Windsor is, look her up. Start with Supreme Court cases and the word “landmark.”

Edie’s Backyard BBQ began more than 50 years ago as a private Memorial Day
weekend party thrown by Edie Windsor and her first wife, Thea Spyer, at
their Southampton home for friends and loved ones.

Today, the event has evolved into a can’t-miss afternoon of food, drink,
and entertainment to support all of the excellent work being done by the
Edie Windsor & Thea Spyer Foundation for LGBTQ+ causes and
organizations. Don’t Postpone Joy tickets are $150.

Two tickets at the Wonder Windsor level are $350.

And there are other levels of  sponsorship.

Tickets are available here.

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