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Join Montauk Observatory astronomers as we scan the skies in search of meteors. While meteors are best viewed by naked eye, we’ll also be setting up telescopes and looking for Comet Wirtanen, which will be passing nearby, and other celestial objects.

At 6:00 PM, we’ll be in the basement of the Ross School’s Tennis Center for a brief talk about meteors and comets. We’ll then move outdoors, next to the observatory, to for hunt meteors until 9:00 PM.
So bundle up the kids, bring a blanket or a lawn chair and join us for one of nature’s fabulous sky shows—a great way to celebrate the holiday season!
Please note that this event will be held only if the skies are clear, not if it’s overcast, raining or (heavens forbid) snowing. So look up before you head out.

COST: Free, but donations to help support Montauk Observatory are appreciated
FURTHER INFO (or to donate via Paypal): www.MontaukObservatory.com

For questions or to join our mailing list for event notices, contact:

DATE: Thursday, December 13, 2018
TIME: 6:00 ­ 9:00 PM
EVENT: Geminid Meteor Shower Observing
PLACE: Montauk Observatory at the Ross School
ADDRESS: Next to the Tennis Center near 18 Goodfriend Drive, East Hampton, NY 11954
ORGANIZER: Montauk Observatory Inc.



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