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Cost: $600 to $1,500

Pet Philanthropy Circle
Pet Hero Awards 6th Anniversary Ceremony

Join Naomi Judd with hosts David Frei and Jewel Morris for The Pet Philanthropy Circle 2018 Pet Hero Awards.

The Pet Hero Awards showcase outstanding contributions inspiring everyone to become involved in defending the rights of animals. Together, we promote public awareness of the causes, individuals and organizations that protect our animals.

Terri, Bindi, and Robert Irwin will be receiving the Inaugural Humanitarian Family of the Year Award for their tireless commitment to saving animals across the globe.

Stephanie Mattera, Pet Philanthropy Circle President and Candy Udell, Executive Vice President invite all animal lovers to come to the gala.

Honorary Chair: Naomi Judd

Co-Chairs: Susan Cushing and Abigail Trenk

Committee: Barbara Kushner, Carin Constant, Debra Halpert, Gillian Harding, Ilene Sichel and Sandra Busch

2018 Awards and Winners include:

The Irwin Family; Terri, Bindi and Robert Irwin
Inaugural Humanitarian Family of the Year

American Veterinary Medical Association
Animal Health Organization of the Year

Soi Dog – John Dalley
Rescue Organization of the Year

Corporation of the Year

Fido Fixers – Lisa Wysocki
Outstanding Spay and Neuter Organization

South Fork Natural History Museum and Nature Center
Outstanding Animal Welfare Museum

No Dogs Left Behind – Jeffrey Beri
Outstanding International Rescue

Storm – Mark T. Freeley
Outstanding Pet of the Year

Tickets: $600 Admission Pet Hero Awards
$1,500 VIP Admission Pet Hero Awards

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