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This program is for children 3-7.

Program Leader: Crystal Possehl-Oakes, SOFO Environmental Outdoor Specialist

Many old or diseased trees will fall from winter storm winds, but that is not the end of the tree’s usefulness. Join us for a drop-in story about the different animal neighbors that can be found around one rotting log and meet some of the museum’s salamanders you could find when you roll over a log in your backyard. Weather permitting, we will take a short walk in Vineyard Field, looking under boards to see if we can find more of the story’s animals.

For non-members, there is a $15 fee for adults and a $10 fee for children for this program. This program fee will also provide non-members with free admission to the museum on a day of their choice. Members are free. Advanced reservations are required for all events.



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