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The Moon is the closest world to the Earth and the most distant place humans have ever set foot on. Its existence has shaped life on our planet, and its beauty and mystery have inspired cultures for millennia. Fifty years ago, the first voyagers set out across the vast expanse of space to bring us all one small step forward in understanding our universe. In this illustrated lecture, NASA Solar System Ambassador and Montauk Observatory Educator, William Francis Taylor, will answer such questions as: What did the Apollo astronauts learn; what have we learned since; and what mysteries remain for the next generation of explorers? At the end of the discussion, everyone will have an opportunity (weather permitting) to see the beauty of the Moon for themselves with telescopes operated by Montauk Observatory astronomers. Suitable for adults and children 10 years and older.

SPEAKER: William Francis Taylor, NASA Solar System Ambassador & Montauk Observatory Senior Educator
CO-SPONSOR: South Fork Natural History Museum (SoFo)

LOCATION:377 Bridgehampton – Sag Harbor Turnpike, Bridgehampton NY 11932

REGISTRATION: Call SoFo at 631-537-9735


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