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It’s a one and a two. Friday night, the dance, Saturday night the dinner. There must not be many Scandinavians on the Parrish Art Museum board, otherwise they would know that Midsummer was about two weeks ago. Anyhow, this is the museum’s big money-raising event.

Cocktails are at 6pm, dinner is at 7 on the covered terrace at the museum, 279 Montauk Highway, Water Mill.

You can find out just how much it costs for you to attend, go to their website. 

There are a limited number of “aluminum” level tickets available for $1,500. After that, prices go up through glass, wood, concrete and steel to, yes, the sky.

One hint is that the non-deductible part of the ticket is $250, because that’s what the drinks and food actually cost. The rest is charity.

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