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Touch Dancing
with Alphonso Triggiani
For Adults ages 18 and up
$250.00/ $40.00 drop-in rate per class

Under the guidance of Touch Dancing Artistic Director Alphonso Triggiani and his associates, participants will learn “real dancing for real people” and will focus on aspects of “social dancing” as opposed to competitive ballroom dancing. Open to both beginners as well as experienced dancers, this class with inspire you with the confidence to both “lead” and “follow;” and will cover the disciplines of Disco, Latin, and Smooth along the way! Most of all, this course promises to be a great deal of fun for all involved! Both singles and couples are welcome! Drop-in rates are available. For adults ages 18 and up. Dance lessons for the first hour, followed by a half-hour of supervised practice dancing.

$250.00/ $40.00 drop-in rate per class

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or call our Box office (631) 725-9500

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