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If one week of hearing the thwack of the mallet hitting the wooden ball wasn’t enough, here is week two of polo in the Hamptons. Of course it also means seeing beautiful women, people arriving in jazzy cars, beautiful horses, polished leather boots, handsome riders, eating hors d’oeuvres from the 500 VIP seats (they are just wooden chairs, y’all). And yes there is an open bar. Plus there are sure to be celebrities and fancy folk at these prices. Tickets start at $214.33 (was this translated from a foreign currency?), and are limited to 500.

The match will be at 900 Lumber Lane in Bridgehampton. Information and tickets at www.polohampton.com. OOOh. And there’s a champagne lounge. Champagne in the hot sun. Maybe you should take an Uber.


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